hello! I received 2493 dollars. this is very good! your church is doing incredible things! my heart is filled with great gratitude for you. may your church be blessed with amazing blessings from God. through you I see how God smiles at me. my heart is crying with joy.
in two days I return to Rzhishchev. it will be a big road. only about 600 km. but there are more than 22 checkpoints where documents are checked. closer to Kiev, the road is in poor condition, due to the hostilities that took place there. military experts say Russian troops are preparing for a big offensive. and I feel so sorry for Mariupol. our troops are still fighting in the encirclement there. our president says we don't have enough weapons to help break the blockade of Mariupol. this is so painful to hear. there are so many men in our country. who want to defend Ukraine, but few weapons. we pray for Ukraine all the time. it looks like we'll win!
I am glad that my son's family can live in Lviv. in Rzhishchev, tents were set up in our church and refugees from the eastern regions live there, then they leave for the west and abroad. 3 refugee women from Kyiv also live in our house now. they are not believers, but they go to our church and they even help by baking cupcakes for the church.
I look forward to returning to Rzhyshchiv and being able to serve the refugees too, especially children. thank you for your love and care.
with love in Christ Irina Klimova