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Kent & Pania [Lead Pastors]

Jack & Sari [Founding Pastors]
Dan & Sarah [Youth Pastors]
Kent and Pania Thompson with founders Jack and Sari Lamborn together oversee PeakVC's senior lead, with a great team of pastoral elders and a leadership team.

Assisting Pastors
Our leadership team ensures the smooth running of Peak Vision Church and its continual impact to both the Church, the East coast, New Zealand and the earth.
While our leadership readily make themselves available to support our church family on their spiritual journey and walk with God, every person and role in the church, to us is of equal importance.
Peak Vision Church stands as a beacon and a voice, calling forth this generation to rise, to unite, to march forward into our God-given destiny.
We draw together the hearts of all people, to know Jesus Christ, to awaken their purpose and to send them out as a mighty wave, each to their own mission field, each to their unique calling in God’s grand design.
VISION 2024+
Peak Vision Church is proud to be apart of 90+ New Life Churches throughout New Zealand. Learn more about our movement here.
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