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Missions - Local

Our vision at Peak Vision Church has always been about going beyond our church and making an impact in the community. If you'd like to support the people and teams behind each of these causes either with your time or financially please contact the office.


Peak Pro(visions) gives back to those who are need in our community. By simply adding a grocery item to your weekly shopping, you can make a difference. 


Each month we will share a list of 2-3 house hold items, these are packaged at the end of the year sent to families in need. 


At the back of the church you will see the container for the house hold items.  See Peak news or our Sunday newsletter for the monthly items.

Peak Pro(Visions)


Christmas time is not always easy for some the kids in our Hawkes Bay community.  By partnering with Peak we can make a difference together. 


In November we start collecting presents for presents for kids.  It's simply adding one or two more gifts to your Christmas shopping list.  


We will share more how you can be involved closer to the end of the year. 



The Hastings Boxing Academy under the umbrella of The Hawkes Bay Youth Trust was established in 2015 by Craig McDougall and aims to instill discipline and provide a structure of Olympic-style boxing to teach young men and women how to be fit, well-mannered, and active members of our community.

Giants Boxing Academy


Mon Bread Delivery

On Saturdays, Mon café of Havelock North generously donates all their left-over bread and baked goods, which our volunteers pick up and deliver to families in the Lipscombe/Upham St area. 


Nourished for Nil is an incredible organization here in Hawke’s Bay that rescues surplus food that is good enough to eat but no longer good enough to sell and redistributes it within our communities. On Thursdays they open specifically to senior citizens. We will pick any elderly members of the community up that cannot get there themselves and help them with their weekly collection at Nourished-for-Nil. Call the office for more details or to book a spot for yourself or an elderly member of the community.

Nourished-For-Nil Kaumatua Pick Up


At Peak, we have a heart for the youth of Hawke’s Bay. We are proud to partner with the Leg up trust and support their good work here in the Bay. The Leg-Up Trust reaches out to disadvantaged youth who suffer social, behavioural, or emotional problems by teaching them how to engage and communicate with horses. These young people have been put in the 'too hard' basket and Leg-Up Trust gives them a second chance in life: increased confidence, life skills and something to get up for in the morning. These young people have often been through incredibly difficult times; some have suffered abuse, are at risk of suicide or are young offenders.  Leg-Up provides strong and clear boundaries so that the young people develop a sense of right and wrong and learn to focus on positive attributes.  The children are all nurtured and unconditionally loved. All other avenues have failed with these children, so we dare to be different. The horses are the therapists; we humans are the facilitators.

Leg-Up Charitable Trust


We are so appreciative of Chris Jenkin’s great work meeting a massive need in the bay with Kia Tipu Ora trust and proudly support him. Kia Tipu Te Ora Trust opened in November 2020 and was born out of frustration with a health system that he believed fails many people with substance use issues. Chris worked in the addiction field for 5 years in another organization and increasingly saw people who were desperate for help, turned away from services because they did not meet criteria. Intervention was never immediate, sometimes taking weeks to get appointments and so many windows of opportunity were missed.


Kia Tipu Te Ora Trust started with 3 primary goals. 1) To make support easily accessible to everyone in the Hawkes Bay affected by addiction, including parents, partners, and children of addicts. 2) To make crisis intervention immediate and support available at any time. 3) To help reduce stigma and encourage communities to practise compassion and support each other so there is less need for addiction services.

Kia Tipu Te Ora Trust


These amazing courses encourage kids to find the strength and courage within them - to make healthy choices and live to their full potential. Shine & Strength courses are produced by Hillsong CityCare to ages 11-14 to help them realise their worth and value.

ShineGIRL & Strength

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